despite this poem, i do have some friends who contact me, so this is just me working through some things. alot of issues left over from the loss of a friendship, which i really didn't want to think of as being lost, but that wasen't up to me.


im not there, unless by circumstance,

suddenly im in they're presence,

if im seen a few feet away,

count the hours as they pass in a day,

when im not seen,  dose it bother?

tag along, if im there, forget me while i faulter,

give me shelter if i come through the storm to you,

remember only the weather, if i couldn't make it through,

in my relationships, i've listend to the issues,

and i've been the shoulder tissue,

i've thought of my friends, in my heart i hold them,

but i've questioned, when im thinking of them,

do they remember the girl with a long name,

and the long black mane,

or am i graced with a presence,

just because of circumstance? 

Poetry by Gothic geisha
Read 1348 times
Written on 2007-11-28 at 12:07

Tags Circumstance  Friendship  Lonely 

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Gothic geisha
thank you for the wonderful comment, i didn't know if anyone else would really get it. or would they just think it is paranoia. and i did not want it to come across as such. taking a look at your self from the inside, and or out. can be great. and i do think i do it too often. doing that, can help you find out who you are, although in cases like this, if you don't know who you are, dose looking inside yourself too much, define you too much then just leting it flow?

heh, i've got alot of pent up things i need to talk about it seems. and your comment sparked an interesting thought in my head, domou arigatou.