this poem was inspired by a growing need to expess my feelings,for my wonderfull love, despite many things we can always meet in our dark place located just between our hearts

in our dark place

would you meet me, somewhere out of sight, where all eyes are on us, but no one pays attention,
you could meet me in a dark place,
and our eyes meet, in our dark place,
but your eyes glow, and they glimmer,
like the candle you light, when im scared of the dark,
my hands shake, cupped to your face,
would you kiss me, while the world frowns,
heavy breathing, the sound of silence,
sounds alot like the beating of hearts,
would you meet me, some place out of sight, in our dark place, where our heart's touch, on the edge of our lips,
while the world frowns, and our lips smile,
hug my fingers in your hands with mine, we can meet in our dark place.

Poetry by Gothic geisha
Read 1374 times
Written on 2008-02-12 at 14:13

Tags Heart  Love  Dark 

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