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Member since 2018-04-30
Has written 25 comments

Has received 410 applauds


(A stranger in a strange world. A wanderer just passing through.). A Beauteously Brainy Bard, Prozac-Penned Poet, and Ribald-Rhyming Rhymist (as well as tortured soul) forever panting for Parnassus. We'll see where my lines lead me in the near and distant future—whether I merely am just an accidental dabbler who enjoys literature and reading and writing poetry as a craft and as forms of intellectual and spiritual exercise, or if I am something more permanent and perennial as a genuine maker of verse from the mythological spring of Mount Pierus? Only time can tell.

~Ngoc Nguyen~

Ngoc Nguyen

55 years old from USA

MY TEXTS, Archive 278 Texts

''I Can't Breathe!'': in Memory of George Floyd (1) - 2020-06-01
In Remembrance of George Floyd - 2020-06-01
''First Love'' - 2020-05-28
Musings on Poetic Rhythm, Meter, and Measure - 2020-04-13
''When Existential Angst Tests Faith,...'' (1st draft) - 2020-04-10
Questions I Sometimes Ask Myself - 2020-04-07
Prayer for the Makers - 2020-04-05
George Gordon, Lord Byron's Unlikely Lament (1) - 2020-04-05
The Gift of One's Time (1) - 2020-03-27
''Immortal Belovéd...'' (translated as ''Eternally Belovéd'') - 2020-03-26
To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required - 2020-03-25
Beloved Apothecary - 2020-03-25
La Femme Idéale (1) - 2020-03-18
What Is Beauty? (2) - 2020-01-28
Joined Destinies - 2020-01-25
For What Purpose Am I Created (1) - 2020-01-21
A Lyric for a Mythic Muse, Revisited - 2019-09-25
Composed on 23 September 2019, This First Day of Autumn - 2019-09-23
Pensees on the Tests and Trials of Life - 2019-09-23
"To My Dear and Loving Husband": Perspective, Tone, and Effect in Anne Bradstreet's Poem - 2019-09-21

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"With a 205 Math IQ and 197 Verbal IQ, the smartest Vietnamese-American in the world."