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Member since 2017-07-27
Has written 3 comments

Has received 393 applauds


Hello, my name is Aidan. I'm a poet with little to no talent. I rant-write poems while they're on my mind because I'm over-emotional and forgetful. I also drink hibiscus tea and call my cat, "Peter Cottontail" even though that's not his name.
Hopefully you like my little poems.

The link is where you can find recordings of my poems, I'm slowly adding them there! I also will likely end up adding song covers.

Other than that, I now have my artwork posted in case that tickles your fancy.

My Artwork

aidan haskel

25 years old from USA


i raised you differently (4) - 2021-02-07
a mime that likes dialogue (4) - 2020-11-08
i whisper to the dead things (1) - 2020-08-21
i cleaned up the incense ashes - 2020-05-18
in came the wind, thunder, lightning, and rain (3) - 2020-04-17
i've learned to bite the hand that feeds me (3) - 2019-09-12
build it beautiful, break it badly (2) - 2019-05-04
what color do you bleed? (4) - 2018-03-18
tequila (5) - 2017-08-29

MY TEXTS, Archive 152 Texts

self death - 2024-05-14
honey for my tea - 2024-04-08
windpipe tankas - 2024-04-01
go to bed, bukowski (1) - 2024-03-31
efforts always fruitless (3) - 2024-03-29
hey mama - hey sis (1) - 2024-03-08
bit brash (1) - 2024-02-19
palms caked in dried clay - 2024-02-18
your body betrays you (1) - 2024-02-15
the filth keeps me grounded (3) - 2024-02-14
and that's when you come in - 2024-02-05
consumed - 2024-02-04
talk about a sound (1) - 2024-01-17
nicotine haikus (4) - 2024-01-15
cold - 2024-01-01
when can we rest? - 2023-12-31
snake in the grass (2) - 2023-08-02
sanity doesn't look good on us - 2023-06-18
"a womanly strength" - 2023-06-18
working with silence (1) - 2023-05-27

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Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/aidanhaskel