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Archive - January - 2024

empowerment - 2024-01-03
life and flesh - 2024-01-04
untitled - 2024-01-06
husband - 2024-01-06
Is making war just a job? - 2024-01-06
Trump - 2024-01-06
tous pour Jésus et Jésus pour tous (1) - 2024-01-08
contrary of 1 - 2024-01-08
jealousy - 2024-01-09
Patent (1) - 2024-01-10
...God is a deserter (2) - 2024-01-14
undoing (1) - 2024-01-14
single mum - 2024-01-18
the prayers (1) - 2024-01-19
suffering - 2024-01-19
the Being not the Boeing - 2024-01-20
products of truth - 2024-01-20
Frankenstein - 2024-01-22
neologism - 2024-01-23
capitalization - 2024-01-23
it's the only one who doesn't know (1) - 2024-01-24
you shouldn't add more chaos to chaos, dear sower (1) - 2024-01-27