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Member since 2009-09-25
Has written 325 comments

Has received 1832 applauds


A flower can say more than thousand words

when it speaks directly to your heart.

My poems are pointing at something beyond words,

like a finger pointing to the moon

and the one who follows the direction 

might discover it soon.

Nils Teodor

56 years old from Sweden


The Song of Life (1) - 2022-10-08
Have faith there is no need to wait - 2022-04-15
The Well-being of true seeing - 2022-01-15
Roaring silence (3) - 2021-07-09
The Heart of truth - 2021-06-08
The dawn of wisdom (1) - 2021-04-15
The holy hidden Heart - 2020-05-08
The stillness that you are (2) - 2020-01-19
You are That (2) - 2017-04-19
A whisper of wisdom (3) - 2016-01-18

MY TEXTS, Archive 1134 Texts

The timeless fragrance - 2024-10-18
The gateless Gate - 2024-04-06
The timeless song of Heart (2) - 2024-03-27
The nectar of truth (1) - 2024-01-08
The song of freedom (3) - 2023-11-29
The truth you are (1) - 2023-11-20
The Lion of stillness (4) - 2023-11-08
The Heaven of truth (1) - 2023-08-13
The song of the unstruck gong - 2023-08-03
The face behind all faces - 2023-08-03
The stillness that you are - 2023-07-09
The flower of timeless power - 2023-07-03
The bliss that is (1) - 2023-06-06
The Ocean of lightless light - 2023-06-05
The pearl of non-coceptual wisdom - 2023-06-03
The song of the moon (2) - 2023-05-16
You are not what you think (2) - 2023-05-03
The song of the Unborn - 2023-04-30
The Rose of joy - 2023-04-30
The song of simplicity - 2023-04-29

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