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Member since 2014-12-30
Has written 1675 comments

Has received 2731 applauds



one trick pony is lynn

aka jim



life is a very slow disappearing act

one trick pony

MY TEXTS, Archive 815 Texts

the color of the sky (2) - 2021-07-04
recovering (2) - 2021-07-03
rosalia (1) - 2021-06-28
safe harbor (3) - 2021-06-23
flagstones (1) - 2021-06-21
last light (4) - 2021-06-18
the subject is brussels & . . . (2) - 2021-06-17
hold tight (continually revised) (2) - 2021-06-02
outside of santa fe (2) - 2021-05-27
about to dance in santa fe (1) - 2021-05-26
outside of sonoma (3) - 2021-05-24
lost lines (1) - 2021-05-09
why is the world beautiful 2 (1) - 2021-05-07
dark penumbra (2) - 2021-05-03
on the other side of travail (2) - 2021-05-02
planet lynn (4) - 2021-04-29
voices (2) - 2021-04-29
missing (4) - 2021-04-23
dear elusive one (3) - 2021-04-10
we are not rooted (7) - 2021-04-05

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