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Member since 2016-05-10
Has written 69 comments

Has received 660 applauds

Christopher Fernie

MY TEXTS, Archive 203 Texts

Lorca's Lament (1) - 2020-12-02
Dirge for Diego (1) - 2020-11-27
Viral vocabulary (3) - 2020-11-23
Remembrance Day, 2020 (1) - 2020-11-11
Delirium (2) - 2020-11-05
Haiku for autumn (1) - 2020-11-05
The bare neccesities of life? (3) - 2020-10-27
The clocks go back (2) - 2020-10-24
Pea2 (2) - 2020-10-16
Homage to Pablo Neruda (2) - 2020-10-13
Sky (2) - 2020-09-09
Heavenly haiku (2) - 2020-08-17
Four statues (2) - 2020-07-21
Sambo's Grave (3) - 2020-06-18
Evensong (4) - 2020-05-28
My fishing eye caught the sun (1) - 2020-05-25
Spot the odd one out (1) - 2020-05-14
Appy Song (3) - 2020-05-03
St. George's Day, 2020 - a daydream (2) - 2020-04-28
Now hear this - 2020-04-26

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