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Member since 2023-11-04
Has written 164 comments

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The NVA, by proposing lists of candidates in the French-speaking part, is it engaging in foreign affairs policy?

the French language is a long-discovered secret code, right?

using money makes money. it's like planting seeds, it makes even more seeds? economy, is it the deformed mirror of nature?

Anna Wintour impresses me so much that even when I watch her in a video, I don't dare to look into her eyes!

Hi Larry, it's Hillary

Do countries at war pollute more than countries at peace? In any case, in war, the decarbonation policy is obsolete...?

listen to the resemblance between: "I know this" and "I notice"

something makes me believe that progress has a limit that man cannot exceed since destruction is the opposite for me and has a limit, there is no endless destruction?

the French language is not read as a secret code that needs to be cracked, yet if one day a very complicated theory is to be discovered, it must be able to be said in French...

if you are hated enormously, your hatred in return must be like a shield, if you can hate even more, it becomes like a spear. Jesus takes the punches like he's a piece of rubber but he is not!

the modern woman doesn't need anyone

there comes a point when hating too many people is just beyond my strength

I find it hard to believe that all these years of illness have made me so stupid

I can't decide for you what you consider stupid or not but I can decide that you are stupid or not

rate- narrate

politicians. is "catering profession" they are feed with words

it's not for you, it's not you! it's for the disunited states

"it's wurst it"
before the independence of the Congo, the Belgians wanted the Congo without the Congoleses now they have in Belgium the Belgian Congoleses without the Congo

il y a des arnaques
au pays de Balzac...

the man is trustworthy because of his money and on the American banknotes we find: "In God, we trust"

there are wars, because people die in disorder...first the soldiers, then perhaps the leaders...

the cycle of violence: at the start, man is weak, he acquires knowledge, he becomes strong, he tests his limits, finds the others who grows in opposite directions from his way, he goes to war, he gets injured, becomes weak again, he starts again to acquire knowledge, he becomes strong again, he goes to war...

sorting is the first step to an exit...?

meditation+action => meditaction

enseignant est un métier de bouche?

when I'm in a neighborhood, I have ambient thoughts (brain)
when I talk to a friend, I have words of friendship (mouth)
what you say depends also on your mood which depends on the context like a perfume...

we do not need to understand our happiness to enjoy it but to understand our studies to enjoy them !

there are different states of awakening which designate consciousness...?

technology will save me from my malaise, moreover, I am thinking of emigrating to Japan for my old age. At the hospital, the poor are entitled to their high-tech devices while the rich are entitled to a service worthy of the greatest palaces (Hospital + 5* Hotel= HOSPITEL)

workers from all over the world!
maybe we have all something to do here but nothing to do together
exodus: everything to do together but nothing to do here!

the borders: there is a moment when your knowledge no longer applies, it's the jungle, it works well for young people who are in the process of learning in a bountiful environment

there is nothing more faded than the word racism
here in Belgium

the last of the mohicans: if you want to be from here, you have to have the face of the mohican

racism is not something that develops alone

vertical fascism, horizontal racism?

maximum competition is war is destruction
competition builds and destroy ?

"lis le livre" est une allitération ! liaison de lettres

if competition does not exist at university, then it will be even tougher in professional life but with what rules, those more and more warlike ?

either your illness is accepted and then you are a diminished man or your illness does not exist and what you are capable of doing is really you!

the world is divided into 2 factions, the best & the rest!

the opposite of the Belgian motto: "Unity is strength" is a) I fight like a lion in a 1 against 5 or together, we are not Belgians

you pity THE workers but the workers do not pity YOU, is it a matter of workers or pity ?

the native Brussels resident, with me, he plays discreet (show your money first, it's like a poker game) but in the presence of the Germans, he is very expansive (I am trustable, I'll show my money)!

the woman when she lives with a slave, she feels less burdensome

I'm a wannabe Algerian, I know we don't have a good reputation as a whole (we don't get easily visa's)... but that's ok because I am a good person as an entity...?

RAS: rien à signaler ou retour aux sources

what is life but a long meditation?

God made no promises to me at birth like fairies do over princesses' cradles

fusion & metamorphosis are not the same...the fusion of two frog gametes does not give rise to a crow

I'd rather cry at home while it's raining outside
than rain at home and have to cry outside!

if you don't trust our currency, how would it get you to do a job you're paid to do?

are extremist parties in democratic countries actually Trojan horses of foreign powers?

those who increase when I decrease
those who prosper when I decline
are not my associates but my competitors
(and the government doesn't care because it taxes both)

your freedom ends where that of others begins
your freedom has no limits but that of others well...?

is he testing his freedom or his limits?

discovery+invention= progress
but not always for the best...?

the moors' mores (les moeurs des maures)
the slaves' slaves

mores precede laws?

our mores are designed so that our women know how to defend themselves without the help of a man...?

the Ancient Greek philosophers did not know marketing but that did not stop them from making their wisdom popular until today!

I propose that all those who are in favor of mixity wear the veil, men included. Mixed religions to make one great religion (fusion of religions) do not exist!

through technology, we make animals become like men (transanimalism), men like augmented men (transhumanism), animals acquire rights and we all become vegetarians

the more you get old, the more free time you have but not with the same stake

to burn a book is to constantly want to kill its author!

progress vs perfection
antinomy couple? at the infinite of times, progression reaches perfection or progression is a materialistic illusion? (if there is destruction, it was progress...?)
have we progressed too far for God not to have become anything other than a retrograde idea or does God progress with us?

if the government decriminalizes the sale of dopes, prices (+taxes) and quality will increase ?
if the mafia's have power over the drug trade, prices will decrease....?

permitted but expensive vs banned but cheap ?

vertical facism...racism is not so vertical?

the prophets are always sober and inspired?

If trump says crazy things then it's like he's drunk

habit is like armor that supports us...habit is a habitat?

to say that finally we have all the eternity to understand something is absurd, right?

I don't think you tell the truth when you're drunk but "everything you said might be used against you" applies even when you are drunk


MY TEXTS, Archive 171 Texts

You can't be alone and have your own language just to talk with yourself..! - 2024-04-29
beware what you put between his fingers! - 2024-04-29
volatility vs sustainability (2) - 2024-04-28
facts, opinions and perceptions (1) - 2024-04-27
scorching metal all day long (2) - 2024-04-26
gringa - 2024-04-25
if you rest, you got the rest (petty choice)! - 2024-04-25
anarchy and the use of time (1) - 2024-04-22
the brick and the stock market (1) - 2024-04-21
the truth (what is at stake?) (1) - 2024-04-19
the Indian - 2024-04-16
up to date (3) - 2024-04-14
human is perfectible (1) - 2024-04-14
chess players (2) - 2024-04-12
CV (1) - 2024-04-11
Predation - 2024-04-11
thus (1) - 2024-04-03
the world will continue spinning with or without you - 2024-04-02
the reading grids (1) - 2024-03-31
an old fool - 2024-03-25

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"I can't tell the difference between evil and the one who denounces it!"