Loneliness at times grips you so tightly in it's embrace, like the talons of an eagle around the neck of its pray... chokes you...a sigh escapes...a poem is born like a song of the soul...uplifts you...sublimation...another dimension altogether...

I, Like Penelope sit Weaving

Loneliness you are my fate!
With you I share this relationship
Of love and hate;
Which will take us together
To Hell's gate;
Or may be give us a few peeps
Of Heaven in its spate!

In my balcony I sit atop
Like Rapunzel* in her tower aloft-
Only I, myself have
Severed my heavenly locks!

A patient Penelope**
I sit
Weaving my garment of hope,
By day I weave,
With all my might-
Only, to unravel at night,
And knit again my web by day-
Weave, weave, weave away...
That is my destiny, my plight!

The reward of my patient wait:
My Odysseus!
Deep inside, I know:
Is, actually
The ever evasive

So, you and I
My loneliness
Have far to go...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

*Rapunzel, in the famous fairy tale, lowered her long tresses to her lover, the prince, to facilitate his climb up the tall tower, where the wicked witch imprisoned her...

**Penelope, the symbol of patience & faithfulness, wife of Odysseus, to ward off her suitors-whom she was being pressed into marrying due to Odysseus' long absence after the sacking of Troy-wove her garment by day (at the completion of which she promised to marry one of the many suitors) only to unravel it by night...

***In Samuel Beckett's famous absurd play: "Waiting for Godot", two tramps, Estragon & Vladimir, discuss philosophical issues while they wait for the arrival of the mysterious character of Godot; Godot never comes...

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1777 times
Written on 2005-12-16 at 17:56

Tags Loneliness 

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It's Beautiful zoya!

What a wonderful poem on patience--a virtue I need a little more of!! Great one!

Yes, a magical journey spun out of lonliness, although I don't think it's your fate :-) A yarn that flows like honey.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi there Zoya

i loved this work and how you weave your magic
i nkew the play Waiting for Godot so the meainings were clear and off course the fairy tale and the Odyssy were the staff of childhood well done young lady regards mike

Dear Zoya..your work is so full of interest and the wide knowledge of a good reader....loved every bit...and you my dear shine as always in this one.


Weaving the women together. =)

All the classic ones! Good work!

And a happy new year to you!


My dear friend, I feel you on this one. Patience is a virtue that can one, keep us sane, or insane. You have the ability to embrace us with words of reality intermixed with fable;a twist of faith. The power to express emotions will, with due respect, keeps us sane and full of love. Thanks for sharing.

Zoya Zaidi
My dear friends, I will be gone for a couple of weeks to a Yoga Ashram in Banglore with Soni, to shape up a bit; shall be back by second Jan. 2006!
I leave you with Penelope, wait for me I'll be back!!
A very Happy New Year to you all!!!
xxx, Zoya

Having read the Odyssey a couple of years ago, and having known the tale of Rapunzel since I was little, this poem really appealed to me. I hadn't heard of Godot, but after reading your footnote, I really fell in love with the ending =] Well done, well done.


Heart and Soul by Zoya Zaidi
by Zoya Zaidi