Love, love, love.

Stupidity - your name is woman

I promised myself I wouldn't cry
I emptied this feeling without a goodbye
Within these thoughts, I can see
- lying isn't meant for me

I sold my soul
I wasted my mind
reality catched me
I tried to find
- the peace between me
and my inner sane

I've sold my soul
I've wasted my mind
reality has got me
and you are mine
- I promised to smile,
then I filled it with lie

And within this confession
I now see, lying is meant to be
cause' waving to nothingness
will be the bitter end

and it's better than saying hello
to everything I ever missed

Poetry by theo
Read 1259 times
Written on 2006-05-30 at 14:01

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Sigh. I am, in fact, a woman :)

Feminism isn't my kind of treat, neither is male chauvinism. Thanks for commenting and rating my poem Zoia.

Zoya Zaidi
Well, if you are woman, I agree!
we women are stupidest of stupids
when it comes to love!
We love and we love,
without giving it a thought!
In that respect we are really
But, if you are a man?
Then I think you are really a prig.
Mike is right,
I'll direct our lovable Ylva to you!
Now, if you are a man,
I am thinking why I welcomed you?
xxx, Zoya

Haha, well, I've been bitten before you see ;) Thanks for the comment.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a good poem here but you are risking the danation of all the poetbay delectable beauties watch out for the she wolf she bites back lololol
good poem rgds mike