A contemplative soul ponders while spending time in his ivory tower of solitude and reflection...

Ivory Tower

This hearth and home, my ivory tower,
where in complete and thoughtful solitude
I daily think, then ponder and often brood
reflectively with creative power:

in the place where I fear not or cower,
where I, here dignified, feel understood;
where I sometimes am seized by raptured moods
that alter my loneliest, and darkest, hours;

and where, waves of pure bliss can clarify
and wash my confusion and gloom away,
filling me with an overpowering high,
a feeling of elation every day,
that only thoughts on God can magnify
and make perfect in the springtime of May.

Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 296 times
Written on 2021-01-21 at 08:07

Tags Tower  Solitude  Ivory 

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