


Sub audible more felt than heard

Lost in the mad of cacaphonic

Rattle of an ivy wall deterred 

Trampled by sirens melodramatic 


Traffic drones in endless moans

Counterpoints by a jackhammer

Overlayed by panicked cell phones

Birdsong lost to Schoenberg's jammer


In random intervals of startled quiet 

Discordant concerto of urban riot

Ceases for a measure its frenetic work

Now felt and heard the beating heart





Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 253 times
Written on 2021-07-16 at 14:50

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Very much enjoyed, Joe. You have a real talent for description and your poetry is always a delight to read here :>)

I think I like "startled quiet" best. Yes, the world can be so noisy sometimes that we think there's something wrong when it gets "too" quiet!

Steven Riddle
I like the odd jabs and stabs of rhyme and rhythm that accentuate your theme. I’m particularly partial to Schoenberg’s jammer even though I can be very fond of some pieces of Schoenberg (the early Verklarte Nacht, for example, and some of Moses and Aaron, and even the odd bits and pieces of his most twelve tone compositions.) But the piece I thought of in conjunction with this was Pierrot Lunaire, which is an apt pairing to what you’re conveying, I think. Thank you for a superb poem-experience.