Love little word big meaning

What is love,
Love is my wife laughing at the same jokes,
As I recant them to new acquaintances.

Love is telling me what a wonderful meal,
Even though it was microwaved in a package.

Love is enjoying life's bumpy years together,
No matter whatever it may bring.

Love is sharing a hot water bottle,
As we cuddle together in our twilight year's.

Love is knowing we will share our lives together,
For all eternity and beyond.

Love is never having to say sorry,
For loving you.

Love is being together holding hands,
For now and forever.

Love is waking up together,
Love is me and you.

Happy birthday carol xxxxx

Words by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 97 times
Written on 2022-10-30 at 23:13

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