Have you ever seen the rain?

Have you ever seen the rain?
Every drop
is a tear of pain.

And if it pours and you get wet,
it's my broken soul
you've met.

Don't laugh and point your finger,
you've been down this road before.
The pain you felt still linger,
can you take it anymore?

The needle is still in my vein,
pumping out
this shit cocaine.

Have you ever seen the rain?
It hit the ground
and you feel insane.

Don't scream or throw your words at me,
they made you cry as well.
I fight each day to be sat free,
but seems I'm trapped in hell.

Have you ever seen the rain?
It's tears from me
my friend...

Poetry by Bowjonozz
Read 799 times
Written on 2005-08-23 at 17:16

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have you ever beenthe rain?

(poetic thought spawned from this)


chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
The pain you felt still linger, - just need an s adding on the word linger here.

to be sat free - set free

a sad piece, tear of rain, raining tears.