A little inspiration from Rob and an old hit from Meatloaf.

Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are

We walk, we run, we hide,
We are really afraid,
It shows in our actions,
In eye contact and movement,
Why?, don't let embarrassment be your ball and chain,
But let it be your fingers tickling yourself when "no" comes,

When everybody prays,
Do they pray for harm to others?,
Or do they talk to God?,
In order to battle a so-called "enemy",
You must understand them,
Find out why are they your "enemy",
It's so easy to kill, it always has been,
But it's also easy to think, analyze,
It is because of our inability to "look before you leap",
That we are slowly becoming prisoners,
Not in our own country, but in our minds,

The world spins faster than time,
And yet we fear time more,
We want to still be still "drinking age",
There's only one problem, a price,
In order to regress, you must give up progress,
Maturity is sold through every unnecessary nip/tuck,
The price is seen through the eyes and the whispers,
It's read between the lines of light compliments,
And mumbled insults,
We will always be young to the mountains and the land,
Why will ever see it in our soul, instead of the mirror?,

Love, the hardest thing to find,
The hardest thing to do,
Materials get in the way,
Greed gets in the way,
And ignorance thrives through the actions of all,
And then, there is hope right in front of us,
But we continue to look through the rearview mirror,
For what?, a quick fix,
Love is a path in the forest, not a drive-thru window,
Let hope be your true currency,
And you will always get the boy or girl,
Man or Woman,
And turn Foe into Friend,
That's all who ride in the forest are,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 632 times
Written on 2006-08-28 at 06:39

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The title grabbed me, but the poetry held me...great writing.

Rob Graber
I like the source of your inspiration. This may drive me to research warnings on rear-view mirrors!

Kathy Lockhart
Your reflection brings objects (subjects) very close in my view. You have spoken about several subjects here. But what it all comes down to is
"Love thy neighbor as yourself, " The Christ.
If we all did that there would be no killings, no worries about what people think of us. We would know that they love us. As the Beatles said, "Love is all you need."
Thanks for always making me think!