The text is a part of my book of thoughts and tells about love.

Thoughts about Love

Love is a primordial emotion of closeness.

Love is pleasure in spiritual and physical closeness of lovers.

Love is a category that possesses more spiritual aspect in its meaning and is represented as an emotion, but it is both life and practical phenomenon, and regarding interpersonal relationships, it is the realization in relationships of partners before, during or out of marriage.

Love is warmth that is shared and equal to the bread that is eaten every day and the air we breathe. We all need socializing, equal relationship, and touch of bodies...

In the basis of love we feel is love that created the world.

In love, freedom means much, but real giving freedom from the first moment.

A good relationship is based on frankness, equality, freedom and the awareness of what kind of relationship is experienced.

A man and a woman are one human being that realizes their entirety in love and living together.

Within equality and freedom, and in general, a man and a woman can be lovers at most, even in a marriage.

Lovers' relationship is not basically sexual and physical, but spiritual relationship, and envisages that lovers see mainly spiritual values in each other. Lovers' relationship brings beautiful contents into lives of people of high consciousness.

The love freed of possessiveness and jealousy, the poetry freed of the dream and the wish for immortality; love is a child of the present and crosses the boundaries of the real and visible with its simplicity and devotedness; permeation with nature, devotion to the passion and broad understanding for life, weaknesses, ups and falls, for imperfection, it is similar to a wave breaking on sharp cliffs, too.

Classification of love relationships regarding emotion. If intensive uncontrolled emotions of adoration, through indifference to hatred prevail in a relationship, it is an irrational relationship.
If the partners are indifferent and emotionally uninterested in each other, it is the relationship without emotion. They are emotionally economical and focused on themselves or realization of the other aims.
If there is an intensive and nice relationship that is the aim for the lovers and the rest of reality is less important and contributes to or completes the harmony created of the intensive and beautiful emotion, then we have the sincere and genuine love, and the partners are lovers, and build the lovers' relationship. Their communication is the talk of souls.

There is also the idealized love, which represents adoration of someone we actually do not know and, for a long time, one can even intensively dream of love, for the mere appearance of the other being creates the emotion, and it might happen that the person is not even interested in, or does not feel even similarly, or there is no material condition for the realization of love, or there is no awareness of the feeling from the other side. Therefore, the idealized love is an intensive feeling of adoration of the other being's appearance, without a real contact and realization.

The life represents and imposes another type of relationship, where the emotion is not expressed, and it is the disputable whether there is any emotion at all, but everything is based on passion and easy survival, and all concentration of energy is right on two things: how to earn the money necessary for easy survival and, after that, to enjoy in passion and luxury.

It is understood that not only general consciousness of the society, but also material safety in the whole society should precede the relationship with frank and beautiful emotion, so that it would not have to choose between extreme poverty and the emotion. The level of consciousness also determines the way of surviving. Extreme poverty cannot be the basis of the emotion of high consciousness.

Since love is of both spiritual and material nature, then it depends on material and spiritual basis at the same time.

No matter how imperfect and temporary it is, every lover deserves our respect and attention, since in our lives and loneliness, it brings special tenderness and beauty, and deprives us of loneliness. Expecting the desired and often unreally perfect feeling, we experience only possible and sole life warmth with both sides, to which we, unjustly, do not pay attention. That way, even years pass in rejection and underrating of our only life.

Together with milk, a human being, still in the earliest youth, brings in themselves the unlimited motherly love in its most beautiful and devoted form, without any awareness of what happens, and does not forget the feeling, and tries to be loved and love the same way later on. However, unsuccessfully, for that love is impossible until we become parents in the first youth of our children, and as though that everyone in the period thinks that tenderness and warmth of the embrace is more important than food. And does anything essentially change later on?

If the aim is a family, then love is gained like a reflection of the relationship within a family. It is normal that the irrational beings will have an irrational relationship full of extreme feelings, while the normal beings will enjoy in living more nicely and easily.

In accordance with the principles of equality and freedom and respecting what the most appropriate is in love relationships, and having in mind the entire and really qualitative relationship, with respect for dignity, abilities and essence of the human being, the most that a man and a woman can be are lovers; the only question is whether they are formally married or in the other type of relationship. The quality of the relationship is the most optimal solution and prevents jealousy and possessiveness as carriers of all unpleasant situations in relationships, and grows beauty and the most positive aspects of it.

Love of the high consciousness is like a tender flame that easily adjusts itself to all forms and essences and does not attempt to preoccupy and swallow. Its ease and tenderness come from great understanding of the world.

Sincere spiritual union of two beings in love can hardly have the equal regarding beauty.

We stay exactly in such relationships and contacts that are determined by our consciousness, the most usual mood and material possessions, as well as the material conditions in the whole society.

What can a man wish more than the health and a pretty woman, healthy children, good company? Everything is outgrown by the image of beauty of nature and love. That is the magic of living. That is great wealth.

Love without freedom is like a bird without wings, or a bird in a cage.

In the world of survival, love like an emotion is neither an aim, nor choice, nor are there a capability and skill and the conditions for it to be realized, kept and developed, and it is not logical to see it, except in exceptional occasions and with the exceptional souls.

The sincere love of beings of high consciousness is free and natural - freed of jealousy and hatred. Movements and behavior show the awareness of preciousness of both beings, the feeling and all that surrounds them. There is the awareness of every movement, quiver and beauty. There is also the consciousness of the spiritual merging, not only getting closely.

To know the loved being completely makes it possible to have the better relationship.

If we do not have a pleasant relationship in love, it does not mean that there is no such a relationship.

Love in its delight and beauty gives the illusion of eternal youth.

The human being is not only the being of emotion, therefore, the relationship of two people is not only an emotion.

Freedom in a relationship is the condition that the emotion can be moderate and that love does not become its opposition - jealousy.

Appearance and love of a beautiful woman carry the greatest depths of thoughts and feelings, for they are unrepeatable and complete expression of beauty.

In addition to one's general health, high consciousness and normality are necessary for a pleasant relationship.

Words by Dejan
Read 595 times
Written on 2006-09-04 at 12:50

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