~ Sleep walker of reality ~

~From the eternal sleep~
¤~you dream that you ~¤
~~exist in this reality~~

Untill you wake up
and realize that
you are dreaming.

Wondering where
you are and slowly
realizing what you are
doing here...

The allegory of death
The stoicism of esotericism

The demystification of immortality

The time line restriction rule

The confinment of fear

The seclution of insanity

The intervention of logic

A lethal combination
which results to

The arbitary of fantasy

The allegory of death

The instant after death,
the moment of awakening .

When the spiritual vessel,
your soul, observes the material vessel.

~The last out of body experience~

- I am your spirit guide
follow me. ...

Let me show you that
everything has happened for a reason.

Understand that you have
healed your self with the
power of knowledge and wisdom.

Feel tranquility
as the spiritual vessel, your soul
returns to the four elements.

- O, Earth, water, air and fire;
Now I know, Now I understand. ..

I am home now. ..

~¤~Enlightment and sanity~¤~

So many years of longing and wondering. ..

- Live yet to sleep walk another day
in this reality;

What keeps you bound to the eternal sleep
is your ego.

~¤~Strive to set yourself free~¤~

From the chains of passion
From the chains of fear

- Wake up! You are dreaming!

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 835 times
Written on 2006-09-09 at 18:25

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munir mezyed
Well, first the poem is brilliant and well- written...again it shows how much talented you are...I read most of ur poems here ...I find them all very awesome poems...
I like this part the most

From the chains of passion

From the chains of fear

Good luck





RATE 100


I'm gonna dream about this, I know!

Dan Cederholm

Hey NSW!!!

Great work here as always!!!

Applause and a big BRAVO, hugs and XXX
to you for this marvelous piece of work!!!

Representation of abstract or moral concepts and the quality of being emotional... Great Writing!!!

Historically, 'esoteric knowledge' generally described knowledge kept secret from outsiders by certain select groups, such as Freemasons or magical orders, either for reasons of exclusivity, or to protect themselves against prejudice. More recently, as occult and mystical teachings have become more publicly available (through such groups as the Theosophical Society and the Rosicrucian Fellowship), another sense of esoteric has become more prominent: that which is complex and difficult to grasp except by the few who are more perceptive or aware. In this sense, esoteric knowledge often implies an inner or self-reflective wisdom absent from external knowledge.

And here is your strenght!!! when you...
removing mysterious elements and make them to be real...

And you mention the life which will never end, when our souls go back to the creation (the begining)! I really like this!!!

The death of the body, back to nature!

And you said I am home, yes thats a fact that we belong to nature, and timeles in space and earth... Our bodies are mortal but our souls is immortal!!!

HHHmmmm have I forgotte something...

Oh of cours we live in this reality and rech other realities in our dreams and meditations, so the queation is....

What is reality... well only... we self know what is our reality!!!!

A great piece of work here and I probaly had forget something... but you have put together so many pieces here of our living and acting in so many situations and dimensions!!!'

Hugs and XXX to YOU!!!

Regards Dan, free flying spirit!!!


Kathy Lockhart
wow, This is an amazing piece. worth reading again and again. bookmarked!

keith nunes
yeah cool trip. very heavy very humble, a Uriah Heep kind of trip sister