Let's see, not much to explain here. Late night lacking a good friend and i got to thinking about what happened between us. Nothing special but i just recently started expressing my thoughts in poetry. Enjoy if you can.

- Latiep Nolingus

Puzzling puzzle Piece

"The wind brings change, and in that, sorrow."

How well this statement fits the current state of events.
A time of enjoying life and having fun with you has come and
Gone and now i spend my days alone. Not literally
Alone, but more alone then I would ever care to
Be if I had my say in things.

I sit now mindlessly pecking and
Poking these PVC keys before me, hoping that in this I find
Some form of happiness I knew so well so long ago.
These memories are hidden in the deepest recesses of the gray
Matter that works inside my head. It does not take much
At all to remind of those days and even a quick glance to my wrist
Reveals a sore reminder of us not laughing
Together anymore.

But it seems youre happy for now, maybe not
As a direct result of our loss of shared time, but more
Likely than not it plays an integral role. The more i think about
This the more I realize this is no ones fault but my own.
You have not changed, it is I instead, who has changed.

How, I am not quite sure but it is certain that I am a piece that no longer
Fits in your puzzle. I am now the puzzling puzzle piece.
The piece that has no place in your matted image. Bent and mis-shapen, warped and useless; my colors have changed. My yellows are no longer bright and happy, my blues no loger belong to the pallete of the sky. My green now looks the way felt on a pool table does under the yellow one ball; not the black eight ball, and my reds are irrefutably dull.

Once again, no ones fault but mine. Fortunatley I do not forsee this
Going on for much longer. This "sore reminder" will eventually remind me Of the good times, and those will once again be abundant. Eventually This puzzle peice will fit again. It is all up to me and no one else, but it Will get done. And when it does my piece will fit like a glove.

Poetry by Latiep Nolingus
Read 521 times
Written on 2005-09-21 at 00:21

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