These words

When you scream
It's as if my life is a bad dream
I cannot awake
This is all I can't take
I feel so rejected
This pain injected
Into my soul
A very deep hole
That cant be filled
Just drilled
In so deep
This pain I can't keep
Then faking
That I'm not hurt
My tears soak up into my shirt
I try to keep my composure
Afraid of exposure
I just don't want you to yell
These words feel like hell
In the pleading cries
Those tearing eyes
Please don't yell
You had time to catch me but I already fell

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 489 times
Written on 2006-10-04 at 02:59

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Zoya Zaidi
This a very, very intense text,
and full of wisdom too...
Well done Ariel!

Rob Graber
Creative use of words showing great promise!