Just a phone call

I picked up the phone
I heard someone's voice in a modern tone
It was my old elementary friend
We started to talk about the good times we use to spend
Then what use to be a riot
Suddenly got so quite
As I heard Tony's voice start to shake
Then he said, "This is all I can take."
I asked him what was wrong
And in the background I could hear a sad song
I noticed the song it was our other best friends favorite
Then Tony told me that Jack had passed away my heart went into a pit
How could this have been my friend that died?
I couldn't let out one cry even though I tried
Tony told me the funeral would be in two days
My life was nothing but a maze
He my life long friend
And this is where his life shall end

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 440 times
Written on 2006-11-06 at 18:34

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what a wonderful but sad poem! it put tears in my eyes...if something like that ever happends like that to me i wouldnt know what to do! anyways great poem! keep the great work up! :D

You really put me in tears
With this well written sad text
I'm sorry 4 ur friend
But I must brilliant work here
Specially the title