The symbol * is for the word go at the bottom of the page and you will find the explanation. In case the word is unknown to you.

In the land of insanity

The cathartic* experience
of isolation;

Confinement of sorrow and fear. . .

delusive apprehension

Constantly seeking
for heartaches


blaming my self
for my lack of induration;

What an abomination!

The abomination of desolation

Because I still dare to think
that I am free!

- Whom am I trying to fool ?

Sad and forlorn
in my self-made cage.

While mother earth
cries for me;

I dwell upon
yesterday's indiscretions. . .

Feeling pity for my self.

While the celestial bodies
call for me;

I sing the blues,
because I feel deserted, forsaken!

And still fool my self
that I am free. . .

(Try to see the truth in the text and the positive message. Please...)

Latin catharticus, from Greek kathartikos, from kathairein, to purge. See catharsis.]cathartic: Inducing catharsis; purgative. emotionally purging
Purgative: Serving to purify of sin: expiatory, lustral, lustrative, purgatorial, purificatory. See clean/dirty.

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 642 times
Written on 2006-11-11 at 00:27

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Zachary P. B.
wow, i just read this for the first time, and just wow... i totally connect to this, it really touched my heart - and yeah, we're all just locked behind bars of our own design are we not?

excellence upon brilliance.

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Carmen, this absolutely lovely poem!
You have really tried to do deep self-analysis, Very introspective poem and beautifully done. Must be really cathartic?
I can understand you very well; I have been there in your shoes.
We take decisions and they are right decisions most of the time, But when the rest of the world, life, fate, destiny-call it what ever you like- does not go in our favour, we start to question our decision: Are we right? Did we take the right decision? Are we trying to fool ourselves? No, we are not trying to fool ourselves; we are just questioning ourselves, if we took the right decision? It does seem dark and desolate at times. But then light does shine through all the gloom to tell us we were right, and took the right decision according to the circumstances. And you are free that is why you question yourself... freedom to question!
Do make any sense?
(((Hugs for this lovely piece Carmen)))
Love, Zoya

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

such an understanding write! Thank you for sharing your words with us - Liam

Catharsis, Catharsis, nothing more sought and lost than that word, once enforced, wonderful piece!!!

Hi night soul woman,
Now u are talking, i mean taking the words to the gods, it is a nice poem which tells more of what we can feel than see. Keep it up ma'am.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
I had do delete the text and repost it that's why i repost angels comment as well :)

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi, Angel_in_disguise has commented your text In the land of insanity.

oh, it's absolutely fantastic.
did i mention that your writing style rocks?
(i am greek, by the way...)

loved this poem...
thee writer of such expression

Kathy Lockhart
in order to be clean of the poisons that we have consumed through negative experiences, we must purge ourselves. I do it often. If we let it stay in us we will become the poison. I choose to take control of it and empty myself of it. It's not always the most pleasant experience but it truly must be done. Well said Dear Wise Carmen. : )

Phyllis J. Rhodes
purity; purification is like truth and knowing the truth will certainly set you free, no fooling!
Great poem!