it can make sense if you think about it :) Good luck and enjoy. . .

Reverse or continue?You or I?



The end 

Exculpate premonitions

compulsive archaistic

predetermined prohibitions

scur the scripts

of the advanced psychology

so called mythology

Procreate the preëxistent state.

and learn how to exist and coexist

with all levels of consciousness

the beginning

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 574 times
Written on 2006-12-10 at 02:44

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Zoya Zaidi
Well, to exculpate myself from the 'pretederment' prohibitions, I would first have to procreate myself to the pre-existing state- a tall order indeed- wonder where I'll end? Only then can I co-exist on the same plane as you, dear Carmen!
I think I would rather stay where I am... It is healthier for my!
(((Hugs for this 'thought-provoking' write)))
Love, Zoya

And you have surely made me think about a lot of things here!! Thank you darling!!!

Wow, I'm going to need a dictionary to understand most of what you said but knowing me Ill figure it out. I'm a smart kid. : )

~Aaron Rowe

Rob Graber
"Procreate the preëxistent state": What a beautiful-sounding, richly suggestive line!