The night the moon fell down





We are the ones

that left the ground


We are the ones

that turned everything

upside down


And for a moment

A brief moment

Swept up in currents of love

we felt the overwhelming

sensation of indulgence


 We once upon a time left the ground

Ascended and distorted

 the reality of surreal


Gave the sword of the spirit

to the humanity 

Brought the gift of untuition

into this world


The Gods chased us

to the place where the shadows dwell;

tried to turn us against each other


But we had

the fire seed

 in our hearts

and found our way back

But not together

not yet my Love. . .


We are the ones

that turned everything

upside down


Until we decided to fly

with our broken wings

and we







dwelling on the Threshold

once again; alone. . .

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 619 times
Written on 2006-12-13 at 21:29

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munir mezyed
Again this is a marvelous poem ...a journey to the mythical world ...if u allow me to edit ur poem as u have words which make the poem not flow...i mean words that u do not need ...

Gave the sword of the spirit
to the humanity
Brought the gift of untuition
into this world

this is how i edit these lines

Giving the sword of spirit
to humanity
Bringing the gift of(intuition)
Into this world

Big toast
Munir mezyed

Kathy Lockhart
this leaves me breathless. It is visually stunning. I love the phrase "fire seed." Beautiful!