Numb to yet Another Appeal

Cruelty of humanity,
pain of sensibility,
when you know what is true
and the knife knows it too.

When you slide of to No Man's Land,
when you're a drop of water in the sand.
You give up and he's won the game,
after all, your first word was his name.

You never knew what you'd meet,
sixteen years with neither food nor sleep.
He was perfect, but you were not;
red roses dance while you rot.

You were never chosen; still this is not your doom,
you're just another flower that never seemed to bloom.

Poetry by True Words Embellished
Read 868 times
Written on 2005-11-03 at 17:00

Tags Sadness  Love 

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!

So much sadness! Yes, humanity is cruel...tell me something I don't know! Im left without words, this poem has cut right through to my heart and opened my sadness! ((HUGS))