a fluttering perceived..


Hiding in the shiny shell
unasked, unbidden
stirring only to the inner clock
the silver-wings unfurled as yet
no flower-oceans overflown as yet
no nectar-chalices emptied
no intoxicating drops imbibed
she waits the dawn, the dawn.

Then in the ripe transition
twinkling of an eye
that boisterous moment of
cracking carapace
the release, the springing
from the binding older self
and yet the selfsame inner core
stretches, yawns life-hungry
vibrant, shimmering, gold-dusted
ready to flitter cross any meadow
unroll tendrils into any waiting bloom

She flies, she flies!!
Unpracticed, never taught the art
she soars and twirls into the dawn breeze
instinctively doing the only thing
her soul was ever waiting for
inside that shiny shell
where she was hiding
unasked, unbidden and unseen.

Poetry by Teddy Donobauer
Read 563 times
Written on 2007-07-03 at 08:24

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