sometimes i become so lonely I'm not with myself anymore. I'm outside looking in.



Silence screams into the night

It's never gone unheard before

But this is the loneliest she's ever been

She doesn't know who she is or where she's going

She wants to be back where she was

This time last year

Undo all the wrongs she did to herself


Poetry by Inspired
Read 944 times
Written on 2007-08-28 at 07:37

Tags Loneliness  Mistakes  Screams 

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She doesn't KNOW who she is or where she's going...
i think the caps portion u missed while writing the poem....anyway this time too ur screaming silence can be heard...come out of the loneliness through the inspiration of these poems....keep smiling!!

Its hard to feel lonely - keep writting and sharing with others - remember friends can help the dark days seem a bit brighter :) nice text

Language: 4
Format: 4
Mood: 4
Overall: 4