He's dying.
All I can manage is a bunch of words.
No metaphors or hardcore imagery.
Just the pain I'm feeling as I'm crying.

Oh God.

Barely there.
Hardly alive.
Hope to God that
He'll make it through the night.

His body sits.
His heart defective.
No more returns, refunds.
The replacement parts have been destroyed.

We're stuck with this heart
And who knows how much longer it will last.
Damaged and overused.
From eighty years of beating and pumping blood
through his pale body.

He's never done wrong.
Never hurt anyone.
His heart is hurting him
And that's the last thing it should be doing.

Phone calls.
Driving for five hours in the middle of the night.
Crying till it hurts to breathe.
And all I want is to switch our bodies.

Make me the one bedridden
With a stubborn heart
Because I deserve a fate like that
Much more than he does.

I'm fucking scared that
He'll be gone and
His wife will be destroyed
Just like his poor heart
That fails to beat.

Poetry by kaytee
Read 560 times
Written on 2008-04-21 at 04:57

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Kathy Lockhart
oh I am so sorry for the sadness and the pain you are going through in watching a loved one slip away. This one must know how much he is loved by you. I pray peace to come to you and your loved ones. Kathy

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a powerful and heart rending poem for a loved one i feel you pain young lady and pray rgds Mike