Thank you so much for your friendship!!!

for Michael

...the void so quiet
a space where i seek
the words of one just gone

so peculiar not to read
poems from his pen
telling of his love for Katherine

or the writing of times gone by
letting history come to life

we on poet bay never will forget
his gentle and sunny ways
as he greeted newcomers here

ever encouraging, seeing
the longing in each persons words
knowing how fragile we all are

and we bow our heads
letting you know Michael
how much you meant
wishing you could return

knowing you are gone
following another path
one walking right beside us

only veild to our eys but not our hearts

// kath

Poetry by kath
Read 835 times
Written on 2008-05-20 at 08:15

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M Heathcote
I never knew of Mikes passing...
{Until today}
He was a true gent and a gentleman
With a giant planet of a heart
That revolved around the bay
He and Katherine made our days
Brighter with love and the passion
They shared; Kath this a beautiful fitting poem
For a voice we will all of us miss.

Mark x

what a lovely tribute to such a wonderful man

Kathy Lockhart
thank you Kath, this is so lovely and pure of heart. He lives in all who loved him and I feel him every day caressing me with his breath as the breeze soothes the tears from my face. I truly love him. Katherine

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful and tender, a wonderful tribute

Elle x

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart! get an applaud for this heart rendering tribute to
Michael....well done

xxxx Stan

Such a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man, this is the essence of Micheal, the soft warm and gentle side of him that we all loved so much and shall miss so dearly.

"only veild to our eys but not our hearts..."
This line is most beautiful and comforting.