I always fight this monster,
a savage beast it is,
with dreadful eyes, sharp teeth,
fearless claws, gigantic feet.

I draw my sword and aim for blood,
to kill the savage beast.
But as i try to hit him he fills my eyes with sorrow,
holds me with his claws, in a grip firm and thorough.

I try to flee, to escape somehow,
but the beast is savage strong.
I look into those dreadful eyes but all I see is sorrow.
I see myself in a broken promise of tomorrow.

I always fight this monster,
a savage beast it is.
But sometimes it's hard to see him.
It's hard to see a truth like this.

Poetry by Daybreaker
Read 580 times
Written on 2008-06-16 at 12:00

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Would that monster be the insiduous one in the mind, the one with the cold, slimy tendrils of bottomless grief?
This is so well written!
Hope you are doing well.