Fearing death we run from life, is that crazy or what?

It wasnt the darkness

It wasn't the darkness
I feared at all along my early days
it was the unremembered punishment
of being locked in a chest
normally holding
the winter wood
but empty then
save for a wailing four year old
with a bruised and bleeding knee
who wouldnt stop crying his heart out
even though tears are not
what boys who will be men
should show, my father said
and locked me in the dark..

Years later I learnt
that when the light of love and life
embraces us
it's folds are velvet darkness
at it's best,
the sweet oblivion, the thoughtless
carapace of not having to see
more than enough sorrow
for each passing day,
so the way to flee the fear of darkness
was for me to become more familiar
with every ray of light

one does not battle against the dark
one dispels it by absorbing light

and thereby let the lesser
drown in the arms of the greater

darkness is still darkness
on its own
but never more than shadow
moments from the burning light

Poetry by Teddy Donobauer
Read 786 times
Written on 2008-06-16 at 23:31

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