Thank you for the photo Jeherico C and the inspiration sparkle and thank you Magnus Ericsson( for the additional inspiration! :)

Shit happens.

Hey Mister Hangman! Why don’t you come down? Mister Sandman has gone to Santa Claus place but you are still here. So welcome to the dreamland that is called life! The spring is coming and the flowers are blooming. Look!

Can you hear the crickets while you  
Rest under the
Oak tree?
Can you
Use your imagination’s
Shelter and become a dragonfly?

Dare to dream and fly
Time will always pass by

But where will you be?
That is the only choice you need to make

Poetry by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 625 times
Written on 2009-03-07 at 17:20

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Very positive and sweet poem, belied by its title!

Nice use of the acrostic too, although for me personally, I prefer not to have them pointed out to me, but have the joy of discovering them for myself. But I'm just funny like that :-p

Phyllis J. Rhodes
This is so lovely as is the picture. Great write.