Mind, Soul and Body, the three that exist in each and every one of us. They influence each other, and sometimes take a battering.

Calm and Collected

Here I am in my little corner,
Sitting in the basking moonlight
under a silvery white moon.
The silence, is deafening

Here I am on my little bed,
Sitting in the fading sunlight
pooling through an open window.
Hands clasped together in silent prayer

Here I am in my body,
Calm and Collected in my physical silence
But if one were to look deeper.
The remains of a previous battle emerge

But now, the healing begins
No longer am I in the darkness
Fumbling for the lightswitch,
Attempting to remain sane.

Here I am in my light
Relaxed, Calm and Collected
No longer suicidal, but
happy, with a light heart.

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Poetry by .Simon
Read 442 times
Written on 2009-08-24 at 12:16

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