Somewhere outside your window part I + II + III


Soul Finger by the Bar-Kays live at SxSW2009

Someone is playing Soul Finger, live . . . it's been so long but still, the music touches softly the chords of the heart. Outside a jazz bar the wind whispers secrets to the trees and birds keep chirping, just before the church bell ring; it's past ten now and the birds are resting. Ten o'clock outside a jazz bar the street lights light up the pavement and the door knob is filled with fingerprints and moisturizing hand lotion . . .  glass bottles land in the recycling bin, the waiter opens the squeaky back door, I better move on. My shadow and I, we have a home, a place to call home . . . good night birds

Trivium Into The Mouth of Hell We March (Madden '09 version) Shogun 将軍

A place to call home . . . how many would really understand what these words mean to me? Probably few, I could have this conversation with a stranger in the jazz bar, over a drink or with a familiar face - meaning the waiter or the owner of the jazz bar. But really, honestly, why should I talk to someone else? What good would it do? It is just facts, the simple facts of life, mmm cars are passing by and I can smell the fumes, the fragrance of the city.

Well, a place to call home. Heh, there is no place like home they say and that is so true. Few years ago, if someone asked me, yes, I would say that I was on my way home. But what does the word home meant to me? Well, home equals with Inside The Mouth Of Hell, oh yes that is an accurate description. But my house means. Today. Means the absence of Sound. The absence of another human will. Tranquility. What else do I need? Peace. A place to call home, my house, my shelter, the place where my soul can rest. I am getting use to that, it feels good.

Enrique Iglesias - Donde Estan Corazon

The unknown is my home, a home where everything exists because of . . . ah yes, the only truth, because of love for Life or Death, each movement or absence of movement is Love. For what? I don't know?   Exploring the unknown is my safety net; my discoveries and my belief system - the eternal love; created this safety net. I believe therefore I continue to exist beyond the illusions of my mind what I can't comprehend is my teacher when I am willing to listen to myself. So be it.













Short story by night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 706 times
Written on 2009-10-18 at 15:39

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melanie sue
It is a state of mind. And age is a state of mind as well. How sad the young person who feels old before his time without the shelter of a place he feels he can call home, living instead, inside a cold shell. Thanks for posting this. It stimulates the brain. :)

I have taught myself that home is a state of mind, it's recipe both simple and illusive. To some of us it is the Holy Grail.
I enjoyed this,