Just from a random conversation


Pause Time

would you pause time if you could
go back, do the things you know you should,
or would you just, go with the flow
and of any regrets, just let go?

Oh on my mind
is the weight of time,
it's slipping away
have I wasted my day?

What to do I do not know
time it does not go slow,
but rather away does it race
and I'm hurried trying to keep it's pace

So would I pause time if I could?
I think not, be this is where I should.


Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 761 times
Written on 2009-10-26 at 06:48

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Hi Liz,

A good write this is :o)
Time is something we often want to stop, but if we did, would we like it to go on as it does? hehe..some moments we would like to last forever, but if they did, how would we know what happend after the moment?!! ;o)


Amy Valentina
It's beautiful...
keep it up.

...the question we often ask our selves, and I've been yearning for that sci fi effect for years and finally have come to grounds and found my self wanting to be exactly where I am now...it s a liberating and elevating stuff, you know....good poem, thanks for sharing...
