March Is Hare

Yesterday while playing mechanic with the past
Summer occurred 
Taking apart a piece of old obsolescence 
As the day gently smiled a cue
A march hare loped close by
Little and gray creature chewing the new grass,
"Hello fine sir, nice of you to come visit this day" 
said I.
Mr March silently sat there contemplating numinous blades of light
"Have you seen Alice perchance, 'way up there.'"
"Oh most certainly dear fellow, just recently when she was quite small." My companion gray seemed to say.
"Really now, when last we met she had become rather t a l l or so she had appeared."
My quizzical companion merely swiveled a radar set of ears while regarding something I could not quite suppose.
Perhaps it said. "Oh my, hare today, grown tomorrow.
There's a tiny chance, she's still at large!"

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 973 times
Written on 2014-03-11 at 10:25

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
:D little hare magnet ;)

Nabeela Altaf
At first I thought it read March is here. Some what like an Alice in Wonderland type.