Jehovah's Love

Some people think that Jehovah doesn't love them but that's not true.
He loves each and every one of us and that includes you.
God loves us so much that he knows how many hairs are on our heads.
He doesn't focus on our faults, he focuses on our good qualities instead.
If you feel worthless, please don't feel that way.
You're important to Jehovah and you will be always.

Poetry by Randy Johnson
Read 627 times
Written on 2015-10-26 at 00:54

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
To each their own - live and let live. Theare are those who have a need belived in a god - thear are those who don's I dont have such a need , prefering to belive in humanaty. A writer once said: '' As long as one beives in a god , then that god exists! '' . That writer was like me an humanist. It worked for him it works for me.
Ken D

Ivan R
When I was a kid, I was raised a catholic, I remember one time taking my hand and grabbing a chunk of hair and said: " I swear that this amount is a million hair" ... just because I thought that by swearing a truth, that made it so. years later, I found out that a head holds just about half million hairs ... man, did I feel stupid.

What I mean to say is that, we think about things that are not necessarily true, but we believe them when we do