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Kee Zealy

72 years old from USA

The latest comments that Kee Zealy has written.


The last stanza was a surprise. I like the path it takes as an almost addictive reponse.

he treats women like coffee

A fitting description of a narcissistic ass. Excellent write


There is more to this than meets the eye. Well written.

Instant Attraction

The intent is to make a rhyme scheme more subtle and the poem itself more conversational.

Lower Creek Road

I can hear the gravel crunch and see the fish jump. Nice poem

2. Snarky Sonnet upon a Reformatted Relationship

Women chose their significant others and let us think we have a choice about it. Got it.

Lenny and Tony - Sellers of Sin

why did the fox eat the chicken, while crossing the river when he promised he would not? Because a fox is always a fox no matter what he tells you.

riding the river

Seems to imply the euphemism, that everything happens for a reason, drifting with the flow of our existence. Lovely picture.

At home

Simple and reflective. You say much with a few words.


Symbolism means different things to different people. I for one, don't care for symbolic poetry that is so obtuse it takes the writer to explain what he meant. Stories and memories such as this are bits and pieces of events that help compose who you are. For that these are a series of symbols that tell something about you. Very nice write.

Hollow Days

Desolation and emptiness when the tears can no longer flow. Very nice.


That volatility only appears dangerous on the surface until hurt penetrates that persona. I suspect that very trait allows you to survive the pain.


Perhaps the man cured should aware of his saviour.

The Summer That Was

Freedom is a metaphor for confusion where relationships are concerned. By its nature relationships mean sacrificing some of yourself to have one. If its wrong then let it go. There is always a sense of loss when they fail, regardless of who initiates it. One can never replace the time and memories both good and bad.

i remember

You create such stark images, that appear ordinary. It is only when you reveal the dark secret, no one expects, that re paints the tone of those images.


Now that is funny.

Moment in Time

Fact or fantasy or something in between? Perhaps a wish that never occurs. Moments come and go. Memories have a way of developing a rosy glow over time.

In this instance

I love the language. It feels like, the couple is disconnected, and while the love is transcendent, it is more of a feeling then when walking along the ocean shore, where you are exposed in all the elements.


Have a good holiday season Ken.

Early Winter Wood

Eyes that remember, have seen woods in early winter, and while those tell some of the story of life and death, nature has taken its path in those peaceful woods, where you were meant to write the epitaph of a forest creature buried by human hands.


Desire has many facets, and you paint them in a way that makes us think. Desire to learn, desire to love desire to teach desire to learn from others. It is our most human trait, and breathes everything that says acceptance.

Pools of Melancholy

Beautiful language. I followed the transformation and the healing balm of the ocean breeze, amid the salt air and rolling emerald wavelets, where the crash of surf and salty foam brushing your ankles, teasing you to come play, and rock in the cradle of the sea.

in the club

As long as you write like this, there is no goodbye.

*whispering*Have you ever heard . . .

Interesting take on the emotion. Water sustains life. Hate is a stagnant emotion that feeds on itself, like the water that never moves.

Lacrimae Rerum

children are at times un forgiving until they have a sense of their frailty, that parents are not perfect, and understand we are trying to adapt to a child where there is no operating manual, until we write it ourselves based on experiences. We are all flawed. Great write.

a king

What makes your poetry special, is that you do not try to overwhelm with language. The word choice and images are very vibrant, and it takes us as the reader to the place you are describing.

Your images and discriptions are unique to you as a writer. Your style is unigue to you, and that is what good writing should be, unique to your feelings and experiences. There is no pretense or an attempt to be someone else. That has more value than you know.


Quite remarkable poem. Whether its a tree you planted, or one you found, trees have been our link to mother nature's plan.

first kiss

The unknown uncertainty is a definitive as the kiss, very nice

Speaking Portuguese

The communality of thought, death, love and family is not specific to culture. Loss whether it is permanent or not, has its own universal language that is spoken the same by all. It is the one thing that never gets lost in the translation.

her kiss

Excellent work, you had me and surprised me with the ending. I wonder at the violence of it.

The Box

commented already elsewhere, but these are truly amazing and sometimes poignant memories, as I say again, how about a piece of butterscotch pie.

Seventh Sense

Sex is a part of intimacy but far from fulfillment. You can sate the immediate hunger, but not provide solidarity to make the two one. Fire burns hot, but inevitably burns out. I like this a lot

A Pastel

A pastel with its soft colours, has a way of communicating like no other piece of art. I am reminded of pastels that hang in my house of all 3 of my children at about the same time of their life. It captures a sense of who they are even at that young age, like nothing else. Great write

Mac's Happy Day In The Sun

There is nothing like watching and participating in a child's play. It helps keep us young.

Aleatoric Bond

Words can disappear, feelings cannot, very nice

The Old Flame Never Dies

I like your imagination, and an emphathetic piece that comes with maturity.


join the adult add crowd, only for me it is survival that I take wellbutrin, as I have a minor problem called going asleep at the wheel of a car, not to mention falling asleep at work. I hear you with the life long war against a defect over which you have no control.

Bathtime Fun

Little people with hair aren't they? A perpetual 2 year old, even when the hair around the muzzle turns grey. They live for us to love. I love this as a dog owner and lover.

Shelly Beach

What is it about the ocean? Is it healing waters, the birth of pleasant memories, sand buried between your toes?

Whatever it is, this poem deliver these kind of thoughts to me. Lovely write.

Goodnight, Always Goodnight

Full of pathos, pain and weariness of a hurt soul, tired but wide awake, I enjoyed the read

Lymericks Three by Me

This is too funny. I love your sense of humour.

I Close My Door

This is an excellent portrayal of how we handle pain or loss. I am sure the door will open again.


Hmmm I see anger at not being noticed. Sometimes its not narcissistic but simply unable to see what is obvious? I like how you took the yearning and fulfilled the emotion of the time.

Sometimes I feel I am the Rain

This is beautiful, sensual, loving all at once. Water is the ultimate life giver and we take it so for granted. It is a great read. I see why the editors and site members love it.

Waiter! There's a Typo in my Soup!

Now this is great. Nice vocabulary used well and funny too.

Dead fish are floating

I like the comparison of a the death of a relationship to a dead fish. Interesting. How can something that appears so right at first go so wrong?

fool-moon wed

Nightmarish indeed. I like the comparison of this lothario to a faux prince charming. Very effective.