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Member since 2006-09-30
Has written 4 comments

Has received 2 applauds


Hola. I am TALIA.
I am a GENIUS. I'm smarter than you. And infinitely wiser. See, I even know long words like "infinitely" :P
I am no EMO. Sorry to disappoint you.
I am a WRITER. Probably what I do best.
I am SHORT. Yup, shortest in my school year. I'm quite proud. It's not always a bad thing, only alot of the time. :D
I am a THRILL SEEKER. Blo-karting (land yachting) particularly. I will abseil or throw myself from high places at any oppurtunity.
I am BROWN. Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin. Italian/Maori.
I am a MUSICIAN. 7th year trumpet player, with some slight ability for piano or bass (If I remind myself how).
I am an ARTIST (but then again aren't we all?). Anything artistic is good, cept drawing self portraits (been there and not going back).
I am DREADING the heat of summer, but YEARNING for the beach.
I am ME. Live with it.

If you so desire, email me at ember_dragon11@hotmail.com


33 years old from Australia

MY TEXTS, Archive 17 Texts

The unavoidable end (2) - 2007-05-13
Nightmind (Part I) (1) - 2007-01-05
Works of fire (1) - 2007-01-02
Don't question society. (1) - 2006-12-24
Rambler - 2006-12-22
The Fourth - 2006-12-22
Once - 2006-10-21
The Rescue (2) - 2006-10-10
Life (1) - 2006-10-10
Fate (1) - 2006-10-05
Rain (2) - 2006-10-05
Politicians (1) - 2006-10-04
Bombs (1) - 2006-10-04
Snap - 2006-10-04
The Word (1) - 2006-10-04
Thankyou - 2006-10-03
Those with the Whips (1) - 2006-10-03

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move."