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Member since 2007-01-06


Hi everyone. Thank you for taking an interest in my writing. For thoes who don't know I am 20 years old. I have only been writing poetry for about a year.

Well about me: I'm in police foundations at college and next year will be in Criminology at the University of Ontario. I will be a police officer after i am done university. I also have an interest in everyhting Japanese; must have been japanese in a past life lol.

I think my writing came out when I finally became tired of talking about society and life and not coming to any conclusions. I believe my work to be a critique on society ...and myself. Enjoy.

Ben Lahnalampi

38 years old from Canada

MY TEXTS, Archive 26 Texts

It may bring you to the line between life and death but it will release you - 2007-01-07
Stand up - 2007-01-07
Our eyes yield flase truths; souls in tow - 2007-01-07
Eyes closed society is a fog we squint through - 2007-01-07
Words are not enough - 2007-01-07
You - 2007-01-07

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"True wisdon is in knowing that we truly know nothing."