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Just What Would Your Answer be? Damon 2009-03-21
Computer Geek (2) Joseph J. Breunig 3rd 2007-04-25
The Easter Bunny. (2) Judy T Lloyd 2007-04-09
My Crush on Jenny Michael G 2007-01-18
A Threat for the Birds (4) NotaDeadPoet 2006-12-18
Christmas Eve, An Irreverent Look at the Possible Beginning (3) NotaDeadPoet 2006-12-15
The Fly NotaDeadPoet 2006-12-10
Watch out for the boogie man! Michael G 2006-11-16
My decisions! (1) Patrik Lind 2006-11-11
Should's and must's (3) Angel_in_disguise 2006-10-28
The High Price Of Charity (2) Edna Sweetlove 2006-10-23
A Romance In Rhyme (3) Judy T Lloyd 2006-10-20
Out on Bail (3) Valerie 2006-10-20
Naptime (3) Valerie 2006-10-20
First Lost Tooth (4) Valerie 2006-10-20
Suicidal Squirrels (6) Valerie 2006-10-20
Peanut Butter Pickles (3) Valerie 2006-10-20
[answering nep's 4 line challenge] Turn to you. (4) liz munro 2006-10-17
SNOGGO and the Slavering Beast Edna Sweetlove 2006-10-07
Farting In A Cathedral (1) Edna Sweetlove 2006-09-21

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