Current Mood:  undefined

Current Music:  "Elle s'ennuie" - De Palmas


NOTE:  2020 05 28  11H31 EST  Ramblings 509 - 

Ramblings 509


This is beyond impolite,

It's beginning to feel cruel.

The consequent void

Is one no one can avoid.


The problem is mine, I guess.

That's the thing with feelings

Sometimes right

Sometimes wrong


Though intuition usually tells

With a degree of accuracy

Which is which, all the while,

Contradictions help along.


The problem is mine, I guess.

That's the thing with feelings

Sometimes right

Sometimes wrong


Repetition of occurence, also

A strong player in the equation.

Putting it all together, it quickly

Forms a vivid conclusion of fact.


The problem is mine, I guess.

That's the thing with feelings

Sometimes right

Sometimes wrong


Another problem is determining

If any of it has an inkling of merit.

Can the conclusion be trusted

Is the other step to figure out.


The problem is mine, I guess.

That's the thing with feelings

Sometimes right

Sometimes wrong


But so far, no other leads

Indicate that my direction is wrong.

Kind of hard when you're in the void,

Left dangling there in the dark.


Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 235 times
Written on 2020-05-28 at 17:33

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