I am going to do a series on phobias. These are things that everyone deals with in one way or another...these aren't nessasarily ones I have..they may or may not be. Written from different perspectives probaby..a work in progress

Agoraphobia--#1-The fear of crowds, or leaving a safe place.

I have to leave the house
I cannot wait any longer
There are groceries I so desperately need
God, I hope no one will follow

I take a step outside, and then back inside my door
Why I can't I work up the courage
Just to make it across the floor

I drive down to the market
I find the farthest parking space
I already feel I cannot breathe

I walk inside, where do they keep the bread
It has been way too long
People crowding all around
Children laughing
I want to go home

I feel like choking
I cannot catch my breath
Some man just bumped into me
He scared me half to death

I don't want groceries that bad
I will get someone else to go
I rush out, get into my car
I am safe.

Poetry by Teala
Read 531 times
Written on 2006-07-30 at 08:48

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Great idea for a series...I love it. I love the fact that even a disorder can turn into and inspire poetry...It is a wonderful undertaking. (tiny selfish interest - I have to study them....lol )

Sandy Hiss
I can really relate to this poem. I've never been officially diagnosed with this condition but believe I may have it. I'm glad you had the courage to write about this. Is this something you suffer from as well?

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
agoraphobia (or any phobia really) is a very debilitating disorder to deal with... it is one that i know very well - takes me a minimum of 2hrs (sometimes it can take much longer than that and sometimes it just doesn't work at all) to psyche myself up to step outside to go run errands... starving from not being able to psyche the mind up enough to step out to the store for food is a situation i've lived a few times in the past... this is a good representation of a difficult disorder that is just a ride between rational and irrational thought processes so difficult to control or conquer... i find you've described this very well... good work... thanks for sharing :f

later... xx

Zachary P. B.
This is an amazing idea for a series! =) I don't know whether to laugh or fear this phobia, it would be horrible to have to deal with it.

I love the narrative style of this poem. Wonderful idea again,