Honey this is for you

Smile to Smile

There it is

that look
that wonderful shine
that comes to your eyes
that leaves no surprise
that you love me

You love me

It shows in the glow on your cheeks
and when I take a glance, a peek,
I see it in the upturned corners of your mouth

that smile
that engaging smile
that reaches across these thousands of  miles
to delight me and invite me
to smile too

It's because of you that I do
grin from ear to ear
and can't you hear
the whispers that come from my heart,
this heart
that is no longer mine but yours

I am irrevocably, undeniably, all that I am to be

in love with you

I do

Love You


Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 592 times
Written on 2007-08-09 at 19:40

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
So sweet, so cute, so blissful, so everything there should be in the excitement of young love. Nevermind your ages, yours is a young love. Isn't it fun!!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh my gosh Katherine This poem makes me so happy this morning and i am in awe of the powere of the love that flows between us this is beautiful you are beautiful life is beautiful love is beautiful xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxylk

And this really made me smile too....
What a heartwarming poem, Kathy! I loved it!
And am sure that he'll love it too. :)

:) Like Nep said, cool letter pomey.

Amazing invention, no, the internet?