sweet memorys

until the end of time

sneaking up from behind
lay my hands
on your hips

kiss your neck
and touch your breasts
so warm and soft

you turn around
i feel your breath
is heavy

let my tongue play
with yours
and press myself so close

the passion and heat
when i undress you
and you undress me

is a perfect moment
in life
when everything is still

and to know that you want me
to come inside you
to know that you want me

a feeling of the gods
pure and true
of love and heat

oh amazingly woman
what do you do to me
you drive me crazy

i love you so
and i love to make love
to you

now and forever
and until the end of time
your so beautiful

i wonder
what i have done
to deserve your love

Poetry by Abbe
Read 693 times
Written on 2008-02-04 at 19:52

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SUCH passion
SUCH dedication
