
I am set
My knife is sharp
My drool thick

She is lying still
Doubled up in an opaque sheet

I unwrapp her and lay her on the table

She is naked
Her skin is white

What do I eat her with?

I open the cabinet

I roll out a sliver of crunchy slim jade
Between her legs
Squeeze out a few tangy golden earrings
Spread sweet and sour crimson tides
And put some dewy perforated olive green ringlets
On her breasts and hips

She is still breathing

I tie her up with a beefy coral sheet
And cover her mouth
With a thin white pillow

I can eat now

I hold her from the top
Slice into her from the corner
And rip her apart from middle

Her skin bursts
Red oozes

I pick a triangular piece
And take a bite

What a sandwich!

Poetry by Arranging_words
Read 942 times
Written on 2006-01-02 at 13:56

Tags Hunger 

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