Reach Out to the Children...

voices in the storm
journey into their world
paper thin and torn.

Drowning in the madness
of a place unseen
All the hopes of a child
trapped inside a scream.

How their unspoken memories
find a place for tears
waiting for the sun to set
on all the broken years.

And though the truth maybe hidden
deep inside their soul
their gentleness of spirit
still stands against the cold.

So journey into their world
let them know they're free
bring their sadness to an end
give them back their dreams.

So journey into their world
let them know they're free
this is all they ask of you
nothing else but dreams.

© Rik - 03/01/2008

Poetry by Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1123 times
Written on 2008-04-29 at 03:58

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I don't know why exactly, but I really enjoy this piece of work. Maybe its because I can relate this poem to my childhood. Great work. Keep it up.

I love your words for the children ... all to many are told they should grow up and stop dreaming, that is depriving a human being of their soul food ... no wonder there are so many fucked up grown ups that have no sense of direction more than following the main stream ...

Sandra Ephraim
Great message here. It's time for adults to listen, really listen to the needs/dreams of the children. Well stated.
Sandra (new kid on the block)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This makes me feel sad for all those children forced to grow up too soon - a childhood and its dreams are something every child deserves - I find this haunting Rik - lets give our children back all their dreams

Elle x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hey Man you are back this is a wonderful return and welcome the message children are the unsung treasures we have rgds mike

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
good poem, Rik...and hip hip hooray for all the kids and their
