Just something that happens but leaves you messed up.

Just A Part Of Me.

I fight this thing inside of me
This hidden deadly seed
That silently Lie's dormant
Like some disgusting creeping weed

I had this lump upon my chest
It did'nt worry me
So I went to see the local quack
About this lumpish pea

He said I'll have some tests done
To put our minds at rest
And so I waited three weeks
My nerves were not the very best

And so they took a biopsy
Which really hurt like hell
And then I waited three weeks
Hoping they would say I'm well

But alas the three weeks came and went
No news is good news so they say
And then I got the phone call
Could I come in right away

They need to run a few more tests
So now I feel like crap
The wife is worried sick of course
And getting in a flap

The doctors surgery then ring up
And tell me its a shame
They got the records and tests mixed up
But no one is to blame

It seems the lump is A. O.K.
And that I'm fit and strong
But what if they've messed up again
And once more they're bloody wrong.

Poetry by penfold18
Read 762 times
Written on 2006-02-01 at 18:27

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Graham this was just precious ...you had me worried there for a minute! So glad you are A OK.....(((((Graham)))))


You do so well with rhyming. I really hope those doctors have finally gotten it right, and this lump is safe!!!