...And The Butterfly

Diving Bell

With secrets on tongues, and breath in our lungs, I can hardly stand
To walk on my own, my hands I would throw, up in the air.

Messages lost, I'm on but you're not, can't look into your eyes.
There's something you hide, with a fear inside, let go... let go.

With photographs and magnetic tape, we capture what would otherwise fade. And I'm up and I'm down, laugh with a frown- I feel fake. I feel...

Down in the woods of my tangled up mind, I dig up roots that I'd rather not find.
Let's just be as long as we last, no I can't take you, out of your past.

With photographs and magnetic tape, we capture what would otherwise fade. And I'm up and I'm down, laugh with a frown- I feel fake. I feel...

Poetry by Toulouse Wolfe.
Read 436 times
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Written on 2010-06-06 at 19:34

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Toulouse Wolfe.
Photographs and magnetic tape is what we use to capture the otherwise temporary things and memories, moments in life...You see?

I guess some stuff is quite cryptic.

Toulouse Wolfe.
May seem a bit clumsy as it was written as lyrics to one of my songs, opposed to being written solely as good writing or poetry! You always find yourself constructing the words round the music, rather then letting the words own the song... Perhaps this takes them out of context too much?

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
i am enjoying your work.
but somehow its a bit clumsy.
i suppose as we all are.
photographs and magnetic tape
what am i supposed to imagine?
i may be missing the point of course