The Spider, The Buddhist and Me

There's a spider living in my cup
from last night's washing up,
I wonder if he's aware that it's my cup,
does he call it 'home'?

At the train station
a Buddhist offered me his chocolate cake,
I wondered if he was full,
or if it was simply an act of kindness
because I looked cold and miserable
thinking about the spider
warm and dry, at home in my cup,

I didn't evict the little squatter,
not because I wasn't thirsty,
I'm rather scared of eight-legged things,
but I'm a fan of random acts of kindness,
afterall the spider may be a Buddhist too.

Poetry by Stars&Pills
Read 753 times
Written on 2013-11-27 at 22:28

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I've always appreciated a live and let live attitude. It doesn't always work, but it's always good to try.

I like this, it feels right. And, an offer of chocolate cake at a train station may be a once in a lifetime happening. Good to note it, record it, share it.

I too have mixed feelings about spiders. I think many of them are amazingly beautiful if you look at them closely. One out on my patio has two copper-colored dots on its abdomen that glimmer in the sunlight like precious metals.

Nicely done poetic parable.